Meeting Venue and Accommodation
Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH) 彰基國際培訓中心
CCH International Education and Training Center and Forte Hotel Changhua
Address: No. 20, Jian-Bao Street, Changhua City 500 Taiwan
台 灣 500 彰化市 建寶街20號
The currency of Taiwan is NT$ New Taiwanese Dollars – for your convenience you may exchange money at the airport upon arrival. Taiwan ATM machines accept most major cards (e.g. visa, cirrus).
Taiwan electrical appliances use 110 (plugs are two flat pins). Do ensure you have a suitable adapter.
Taiwan is subtropical with the Northern areas usually cooler and more humid than the South. This time of year light summer clothes are adequate; but some buildings can be “cold” due to the air condition so it is advisable to have a long sleeved jacket/sweater at hand (and carry an umbrella).
Note currently the temperature is unpredictable – fluctuating with sporadic rainfall!
Taiwan is very cosmopolitan. For Sunday Worship you are welcome to dress according to your own church and cultural tradition. Informal dress is appropriate (long or short sleeves, no tie); it is acceptable for women to wear trousers (long pants).
Kindly note at time of writing the wearing of masks is no longer mandatory on public transport ands venues. Interestingly, while the CDC regulations are lifted the populace still continues to wear masks voluntarily when outside both as a preventative measure and habit. Besides, when individuals have a cold or are vulnerable it is respectful to wear a mask in public; also persons affected by fluctuating weather or are susceptible to allergies tend to wear masks as do those who ride scooters and bikes!
Therefore, do not be concerned (alarmed) if you see members of the public still wearing surgical face masks.
Last but not least your host team looks forward to meeting you in person and taking care of you throughout your stay – if you have any questions please do not hesitate to approach us!
PCT General Assembly Office 台灣基督長老教會總會 (08:30 to 17:15 Mon-Fri)
Address: 3, Lane 269, Roosevelt Rd. Sec. 3, Taipei 106613 TAIWAN
台 灣106613台北市羅斯福路三段269巷3號
Tel: (02) 2362-5282 + Ext. 365
Taiwan Country code: + (886)
Fax: + (886) 2-2362-8096